Friday, May 17, 2013

Goodies for Mama and Baby

Just a few days after finding out about our beautiful blessing I went to the store to get a few things that I'd had in mind before there was even a baby. I got the infamous book What to Expect when you're Expecting (which I've found out pretty quickly isn't all that helpful, it basically tells me what I already you may be nauseous (yup), you're gonna be really tired (yup). I also got a book of prayers for your children. And last a prayer journal for the baby. I plan on writing down prayers for the baby throughout the pregnancy for his or her life and then at some point giving it the the baby. This is the one I'm most excited about! 

Over mother's day weekend the baby and I got spoiled with gifts from Courtney and mom and dad.

Gifts from mom and dad

Gifts from Aunt Courtney

We are so beautifully blessed already with such a loving family!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

9 weeks

This past Saturday marks 9 weeks! I saw on Pinterest a while back this idea of keeping track of the pregnancy and belly growth. :( So I got Garrett to help me saw a few pieces of wood and made this board.  So get ready for many many more weeks of pictures. 

The past several weeks I've had some nausea but this week I feel like it's gotten a bit better, but still not completely gone.  I've also been completely exhausted. I keep going to bed earlier and earlier and sleeping later and later.  I can't wait for the next three weeks to be over with so I can sleep in on a regular basis! Oh, the life of a teacher.  Sunday evening I got really sick, with what I think was a stomach bug, I'm feeling almost back to myself now but am still not quite at 100%.    Even with all of the upset stomachs and hundreds of consumed saltines we are still so beautifully blessed with this precious baby!