Sunday, September 29, 2013

29 weeks

Week 29 was a pretty busy one for us. We started the week out by being blessed with our first baby shower for Maddox. A group of my wonderful sweet friends through Maddox and Noah (a friend of mine's soon to be son---who is due here any day now) a shower.  Everything was perfect and we were incredibly spoiled with goodies to help us prepare for these little boys.  


Garrett and I had our second class at the hospital which was breastfeeding.  This class wasn't nearly as informative as the first one but I'm sure we got some information in there that will be useful at some point. 

We also had our doctor's appointment for my sonogram and glucose test.  The results from the glucose test should be here any day now. The sonogram went really well! My placenta has moved to where it needs to be and everything else looks good.  Praise God! Maddox is measuring a little over three pounds which is a little bigger than average. We got several pictures of our little boy and he's already a thumb sucker.  Now I will begin seeing the doctor every 2 weeks. 
The little blob above his nose is his fist...he's sucking his thumb.

Maddox's foot

Front view of the face

His arm and hand. Again, you can see him sucking his thumb here.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

27 and 28 Weeks

Well 27 and 28 weeks are getting written together because quite honestly I can't tell you what happened in either week and as I write this I am hours away from 29. I have found that this "pregnancy brain" thing really does exist.  I've never claimed to have the best memory but the things I've forgotten in the past 2 weeks are getting progressively worse. Maddox is moving around what seems like non-stop now and some of these movements are pretty uncomfortable.  I have less energy. I have one speed...slow. I have a hard time moving around and bending over to pick things up.  This week at school I was sitting in a chair and reached down to pick up a paper from the floor and came back up out of breath. The child I was working with looked at me like I was crazy and asked why I was out of breath. I told her it was because I have a big belly and it's hard to move sometimes.  She assured me that it was okay because my belly is only big because there's a baby in there.

Last week Garrett and I took our first parenting class at the hospital "baby care basics." They covered pretty much that...just the basics. It was a relief that I knew quite a bit of the information already but there was still a great deal that was overwhelming.  We took about three pages of notes and the Type A personality in me wants to memorize every note we took.  Thank God I have close to zero energy or I may actually try it.  

Last weekend Mom and Dad also got Maddox's first official full outfit complete with a shirt and bottoms. He has several onesies and shirts but I don't count those as outfits. I am in love with these yellow pants.  Today one of my precious students gave me 2 adorable monkey outfits because I have sent her home with monkey books this week so she naturally assumed that must mean I love monkeys.  Absolutely adorable! 

Next Thursday I go in for my glucose test and sonogram. This is the test where they should be able to tell if my placenta has moved or not. As much as I would love for it to be in "the right spot" I've come to terms with the fact that it may not have moved. It's not the end of the world if it hasn't moved and I will just deal with the complications that may or may not come along with it. I know that I have no control over this and it is yet another thing that God is control of...still prayers would be appreciated next Thursday! :)


I knew my stomach has gotten bigger but I didn't realize how much bigger (and pointer) until I looked at these pictures side by side!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

26 Weeks

Thank the Lord for 3 day weekends. It was so nice to have a nice long weekend to have to recover from the first week of school. Who ever decided that the work week should be 5 days and the weekend be 2? That just doesn't make any sense! This week has been pretty uneventful in the baby world.  Maddox is moving like crazy, maybe he's reacting to hearing me talk non-stop all day, probably telling me to be quiet already. I came home from the gym one day this week and went upstairs to lay down for a few minutes before starting dinner and he was moving all over the place.  I grabbed my phone to try to get a video not really expecting to capture anything. (He has a tendency to stop moving around every time I grab my phone or try to let Garrett feel...I'm not sure if he's being stubborn or shy. :) Well this time he was showing off, if you watch closely you can see him rolling around. (Please excuse the big belly and unmade bed.) I think I've watched the video over a dozen times now.  I'm fully aware that I am pregnant every time I try to fit into an old outfit, feel pain in my swollen feet, and am ready for bed at 2pm, but it's moments like this that make me feel in complete awe of the miracles that God has created.