This week while running a lot of errands I started to notice people staring at my stomach. Being the mind reader that I am, :) I knew they were thinking, "Is this girl's shirt too tight and her gut sticking out or is she pregnant?" It's helped to hear the other side where people are surprised that I am 20 weeks and still the size that I am. I had someone tell me this week "I just wanted to let you know you look really good." I've tried to replay these things over and over in my mind when I can't button my pants, get a favorite pair of shorts over my hips, or try on jeans that are 3 sizes bigger than normal and still cutting into my skin. Despite the fact that I know this is supposed to happen and know it's what's best for the baby it's never fun gaining weight...well maybe the actual process of eating countless chocolate chip cookies isn't too bad. What I've learned from this is that all of those times I've told my pregnant friends, "Wow, you're HUGE!" or "Oh my gosh, you are SO big!" well that probably wasn't the best thing to say, despite the fact that there was no harm meant.
On Tuesday we went for our sonogram appointment to find out what the baby was...even though we aren't finding out until Saturday. We got to see so many different angles of the baby some were super sweet others slightly creepy. My favorites were the baby's profile and inch and a half long foot. I'm convinced "it" has Garrett's nose. Among the creepy were the baby's skull and eyeball. The baby is measuring 8 days ahead of what they originally told me so my due date was changed to December 6th, which is totally fine with me considering I got another week of pregnancy under my belt without even knowing it. It's so crazy to me all that can be done with technology.
(baby profile)
(baby foot--I'll spare you the creepy photos)
The doctor also told us that right now my placenta isn't where it needs to be. It needs to move up by my next sonogram (around 28 weeks) or that means I'll have to have a c-section (which I totally don't want) among a few other things. I would appreciate any prayers that it moves to where it needs to be. However, I know that sometimes God needs me to set aside my personal preference in order for His will to be done. In the end, the most important thing that matters to me is that the baby is okay. I've also been experiencing quite a bit of discomfort so I am prayerfully hoping that goes away soon. Until then we'll be anxiously waiting to see if this beautiful blessing is a he or she.