Friday, August 30, 2013

25 Weeks

I spent several days trying to find out more information about the woman we interviewed for childcare.  To be quite honest I was trying to find out the "bad stuff" so I could decide if it was bad enough to not let Maddox go there. Since I know several people who have had her watch their children that was extremely helpful in getting a lot of information...none of it bad.  Every person I asked recommended her so highly it was almost too good to believe.  I even asked a few people specifically what they didn't like and the little things that they were able to come up with weren't even what I would call problems.  After much thought and prayer Garrett and I decided to use her as child care for Maddox. As stressed as I was before about making a decision I feel very at peace with this decision and am so thankful that we found someone who people rave about!

This week the kids started school and is has been exhausting. My body isn't quite used to working so hard for 9 hours out of the day. I can't imagine people that have to work for a while 9 month pregnancy. I am so thankful I have had the past three months off. I just pray that I can quickly adjust to being back to work.  The first week is always stressful but it's multiplied by the exhaustion that comes with being pregnant. 

This week we had another doctor's appointment and we got to hear Maddox's heartbeat again.  At my next doctor's appointment I will do my glucose testing and we will have another sonogram to see if my placenta has moved.  Continuing to appreciate prayers. :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

24 Weeks

This week I started back to school.  Thankfully this week was just for staff kiddos so I had a week to get adjusted to getting up early and being at work all day. Monday and Tuesday were pretty easy but Wednesday I was already hitting snooze on the alarm clock. Friday night all I wanted to do was crawl in bed and sleep. Hopefully this week will prepare me for next week and the first graders will be easy on this old preggo.

Also new this week...I no longer own a single pair of jeans that I can button, so I sported the maternity pants for the first time at school.

I've been looking for child care for a few weeks now and getting recommendations wherever I could.  I want something small preferably an in home child care as opposed to a day care.  Several of the recommendations I've gotten won't take children until 7am which is too late since school starts at 7:30 and I'd have to drop Maddox off and get to school before then.  Several teachers I have worked with have had one woman watch their child and she has been highly recommended.  Garrett and I interviewed her on Thursday and it went really well.  She was really friendly and great with the children that were there.  I haven't really been too stressed about child care until the day before we met with her.  I feel like regardless of who it is I won't trust anyone as much as I do myself or Garrett.  However, I know it's the norm for children to be in some kind of child care and the exposure to other children is really a good thing. We've decided that we will just continue to pray over it this week and possibly look for somewhere else to interview.

Friday, August 16, 2013

23 Weeks

After finding out that baby G was a he the spending started pretty quickly. I ordered his bedding right away, we went and got the other furniture we needed and began working on his room. This week all of the furniture came together and the longhorn orange wall changed to a blue. I absolutely love his bedding but for the next few months we'll keep it in the closet. As much as I'd love to have it sitting out there's no point in it gathering dust.  (I'll get pictures up next week.)

We also signed up for some prenatal classes that the hospital offers and will begin taking those in September.  Lord knows we'll need as much information as we can get. 

This week we registered at Babies R Us and Target. I expected this to be a ton of wasn't. When we registered for the wedding I registered for so much stuff simply because it was "pretty." You can't exactly do that with baby stuff. There's so much to think about...what do I need, what are the product ratings, is this safe for the baby, will I actually use this, which product is best. It was overwhelming to say the least. If only if I could've just registered for the pretty monitor and pretty carseat. Luckily I have some amazing friends that were extremely helpful by telling me which things I did and didn't need and which brands were best. 

We also came up for a name for baby we can stop calling him baby G or it. :) We decided on Maddox Thomas Giles.  Now it seems like all we need to do is await his arrival. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Week 22

It's a boy!!! We had our gender reveal party last weekend and found out our sweet baby is a boy. We were so blessed to be able to share this time with friends and family. When we started thinking about having this party we wanted to keep it small and just those that were closest to be in attendance since it was going to be such a personal moment. In the end it didn't seem small at all, but what an amazing problem to have. We are so blessed to have so many people that we are close to to be able to share this and other special moments with us! The party turned out wonderful...and since pictures are supposedly worth a thousand words I'll let them do the talking! 

Waiting for Dad and Tyler's surprise

Before the party...waiting to see...he or she?


The people who thought Baby G would be a he...

And the people who thought Baby G would be a she...

Ready, Set...
Shoot! that blue or pink?
It's BLUE!

Making sure it's really a boy!

Three Generations of Giles'