Friday, August 16, 2013

23 Weeks

After finding out that baby G was a he the spending started pretty quickly. I ordered his bedding right away, we went and got the other furniture we needed and began working on his room. This week all of the furniture came together and the longhorn orange wall changed to a blue. I absolutely love his bedding but for the next few months we'll keep it in the closet. As much as I'd love to have it sitting out there's no point in it gathering dust.  (I'll get pictures up next week.)

We also signed up for some prenatal classes that the hospital offers and will begin taking those in September.  Lord knows we'll need as much information as we can get. 

This week we registered at Babies R Us and Target. I expected this to be a ton of wasn't. When we registered for the wedding I registered for so much stuff simply because it was "pretty." You can't exactly do that with baby stuff. There's so much to think about...what do I need, what are the product ratings, is this safe for the baby, will I actually use this, which product is best. It was overwhelming to say the least. If only if I could've just registered for the pretty monitor and pretty carseat. Luckily I have some amazing friends that were extremely helpful by telling me which things I did and didn't need and which brands were best. 

We also came up for a name for baby we can stop calling him baby G or it. :) We decided on Maddox Thomas Giles.  Now it seems like all we need to do is await his arrival. 

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