Thursday, October 24, 2013

33 Weeks

This week we've started having gifts arrive from some of our friends. We are already so blessed, thank you all so much! One of my former students who is now a 5th grader came to my room the other day and said, "Mrs. Giles what are you having?" I told her and a boy and she said, "Okay, I'll tell my mom." I came into my classroom and found a sack on my desk with some baby slippers and a stuffed rabbit. There was a note that said: Mrs. Giles you were my best teacher ever! I hope your baby has a great first birthday. It was super sweet.

We also worked on Maddox's room a little bit. I'm ready for it to all be put together though. I loved how this wall turned out! 

Maddox has been super busy moving all over the place. I feel like he is already about 12 pounds and NEVER sleeps. Let's pray this isn't true! Every time I see this commercial I'm convinced that this is how big Maddox actually is. 


We spent all day Saturday at our last (thank goodness) class at the hospital. This class was over child birth and everything that it entails.  We even practiced the hee hee hoo. I didn't realize that people actually did that, I just thought it was for the movies.  The class was pretty informative but I'm sure I won't remember any of the information once labor actually starts, nor am I sure anyone but the doctor needs to know what to do.

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