This week has been a very productive one. I was able to take off of work Friday and mom, dad, and Sue came down and helped with more things than you can imagine. I got all of Maddox's clothes washed, we cleaned the entire house probably better than it's been cleaned since we moved in, set up Maddox's room, set up the world's most difficult monitor, and several other house projects. Maddox's room looks so good! Everything has come together beautifully. Garrett and I are so appreciative of our parents and everything they continue to do for us throughout this process. Again, we are so blessed.
Last week I finished sub plans for when I'm out for maternity leave. This was probably one of my biggest accomplishments since being pregnant. It took months of work and I am so glad that I am finished!
Saturday, after a quick visit with Tyler and Kendall, mom helped me prepare 23 freezer meals for when Maddox comes! Believe it or not, all of this only took 4 hours and around $150! I'm so glad that she was able to come help or else this process would have taken days.
Garrett and I were able to purchase most of things that were left on our registry (which was very few) with gift cards and a few of the things we had to return. We were also able to splurge on a swing that Garrett has wanted for quiet a while. I'm not sure if he is more excited about Maddox arriving soon or this swing. :)
We started our weekly appointments Monday. I had some kind of bacteria test...obviously I listened really well. Maddox is head down and I am not dialated yet. The process of her checking to see if I was or wasn't was extremely uncomfortable. Upon her checking all I could think was "oh my gosh I'm definitely going to need an epidural."
This is so cute! I can't believe it is already so close. Love and miss you!!