Sunday, February 9, 2014

2 months

Maddox is now 2 months old and I absolutely love being a mommy! He's a whopping 12 pounds 10 ounces and 23 inches long.

He has started to coo and it's incredibly adorable.  Occasionally when I make a cooing noise he will coo back at me. He loves to lay on his changing table and play on his play mat that Uncle Tyler and Aunt Kendall got him.

We went on our first trip out in public that wasn't the doctor's office to babies r us. Maddox did really well and didn't fuss at all. I however could use some practice. I'm sure it was quite comical to watch me try to put Maddox back in the car as the wind carried the shopping cart away and I tried to catch it while simultaneously loading the car seat into the car. Since then we've been out a few times and each time it gets a little easier.

After being home with Maddox for a few weeks I was already having a hard time thinking about leaving him and returning to work.  I had originally planned on returning to work in mid-February so I talked to personnel to see if it was possible for me to stay at home a full 12 weeks which I calculated to be the beginning of March.  She told me that it was possible and my 12 weeks would actually go through most of March.  At first, I really struggled with making the decision of staying home with him or returning to work. I felt a lot of guilt about leaving the kids at school with a sub for so long. After a lot of prayer, I decided to stay at home with Maddox through March.  As much as I love my job and the kids at school I love Maddox more. I want to take this opportunity to spend time with him while I can. I won't be getting a paycheck for 2 months but every moment I spend with him will be worth every monetary sacrifice.

Maddox had been pretty fussy and seemed miserable after eating and when he had gas. He also spits up after almost every feeding sometimes even out of his nose. The doctor told us to put him on gas drops to see if that helped.  After a week of trying the drops with no improvement we started acid reflux medicine. That didn't really work the first few days but it has finally started to make a bit of a difference. We have to keep him upright after each feeding to help the milk stay down and he sleeps at an angle so he doesn't choke on his spit up. This helps a little with his reflux but he still has times where the milk starts to come back up and will upset him in the middle of the night.

I took Maddox to go look at wedding dresses with Kendall. He did a great job and barely made a peep the entire time.  We also went to lunch and to look at tuxes and at each place he was great.  This was the longest he's been out since he's been born.

Maddox had his 2 month appointment and got his 2 month vaccines.  I was really dreading this because typically they get 5 shots in the leg one after the other. I spent the morning pretty upset not wanting my poor baby to be pricked with needles and saying lots of prayers. Once again God came through and we were very blessed to find out that Maddox would only be getting 2 shots. They were able to combine 3 vaccines in one shot--they said this rarely happens because they typically don't have enough medicine to this, he also was able to take one vaccine orally.

We are blessed with our sweet boy every day and look forward to more blessings in month 3.

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