Wednesday, July 9, 2014

6 months

6's hard to believe that it was half a year ago Garrett was rushing me to the hospital in the middle of an ice storm. Now it's 100+ degrees and oh ya we have a baby. :)

We started off Maddox's 5th month with a Mother's Day celebration. We went up to Sherman to visit with Grandma and help celebrate her birthday. Then for Mother's Day we met Nonni in Frisco for lunch. I'm so honored that I get to be this little guy's mommy.

Maddox went from rolling from his back to his sides to being able to roll all the way over in both directions in just a matter of days. Now he is constantly rolling all over the place. He gets really excited when he sees his Wubanub on the floor next to him and rolls over to get it. He's started to try to get himself up on all fours. The poor little guy gets so frustrated when he doesn't move. We're definitely going to have to practice patience later on. :) He loves bath time, being outside, and playing with paper towels. He has learned how to make the /t/ and /d/ sound. Sometimes it sounds like he is saying da-da, which Garrett just eats up. We've transitioned from rice cereal to baby food and man the boy loves to eat. He is trying to sit up on his own and can do it with a little extra help. Right before turning 6 months I spotted his first tooth coming in. He slobbers al the time and is constantly getting a rash on his lower lip from his mouth always being wet. Each night Maddox picks out a book and we sing a song and then rock him to sleep. Maybe my most favorite part of this month is Maddox has started to reach for me. Talk about melting your heart. I love to see how his sweet little fat arms stretch out for me. It's precious. I have a feeling we have a little of big things coming this next month.

I also finished school just a few days ago so I have more time to spend with Maddox. The lady that watches Maddox requires the children to go 3 days a week. This really bothered me because this is my time with my little boy. I'd mentioned to her before that we could pay her and just keep him at home with us. She said no. After many people covered me in prayer I got the courage to ask her to watch him two days a week. I figured I could tolerate 2 days and could even get some things done in these two days, but three days was just too much. Long story short she said yes so I get one extra day to spend with Maddox. Praise God!

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