Well week 40 was best week by far...Maddox Thomas Giles made his appearance.
Let's start at the beginning. Saturday night I had a dream that Maddox was coming soon but didn't think too much about it since I knew that he would be here on Tuesday. Well then Sunday morning I began having contractions. My doctor had told me to wait to go to the hospital until they were 5 minutes apart for a continuous hour and lasted for a minute each. Well these contractions went on all day long and never hit those requirements. Finally that night my contractions were about 6-8 minutes apart so we called the doctor and went in to the hospital despite the ice storm that had hit. They admitted me and I was 100% effaced but I was still only 1cm dilated. The doctor told them to send me home because I wasn't dilated far enough. The nurses didn't really agree but gave me a shot for the pain and sent us home. We got home and I laid in bed to try to go to sleep and not 5 minutes later my water broke so we braved the ice again and went back to the hospital. By the time we got to the hospital I was 4cm dilated and having a lot of pain with the contractions. Thirty minutes later I had had an epidural and was now 8cm dilated. Shortly after it was time to push.
Labor wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected it to be. Thank God for modern medicine. Garrett was great during the delivery and helped keep me calm while he watched the whole thing...and didn't pass out. Maddox wasn't coming out on his own very easily so they had to use the vacuum to help him out, because of this they brought in NICU which freaked me out big time. As soon as he got here (to the tune of Amazing Grace) the nurses told me to open my eyes and what I saw was a sweet little baby not making a sound for what seemed like forever, which freaked me out even more, until I heard his beautiful cry. The doctors immediately checked him over and I finally got to hold my sweet boy. Maddox was born December 9th at 5:27am at 8lbs 10.5oz and 21 inches long.
People tell you how amazing this experience is and it's sort of a given that when you have a kid you're going to love him. I was never prepared for the intense amount of love I feel for this beautiful blessing. Seven days later and I still find myself crying daily just because I love him somuch and am so incredibly happy. A few years ago one of my friends had a little boy and her husband wrote this on their blog and it has stuck with me since then. "I am constantly amazed that God has chosen to loan us our kids and entrusted us with pointing them back to him. I am overcome by the great responsibility that God has entrusted with us and I felt honored and thankful that He counts us worthy and promises to give us the strength that we need to get the job done. (Psalm 28:7)
This past week has gone by so fast and I can only hope time slows down for the rest. Here's a look at Maddox Thomas' first week of life.
Maddox with mommy and daddy. Garrett has been more than amazing through out this whole experience. I knew he would be helpful but he has gone above and beyond. He has slept on the floor to be close to me and Maddox, he has calmed my tears when I am frustrated, and he is already an amazing daddy to our little guy. I am so thankful to have him in my life.
Maddox meeting his grandparents.
Maddox meeting his aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Going home from the hospital
Sunbathing to help with his jaundice.
Maddox got to meet a lot of new friends.
Maddox Thomas turned one week old.