Monday, April 15, 2013

Two Pink Lines

What a crazy blessed week it has been...well let me start at the beginning.  Garrett and I have been trying to have a baby since about October. After a few months of trying with no success we decided to take some ovulation tests to give us a little more help. With three months of these tests behind us and no positive results we decided to go see a doctor to figure out why I wasn't ovulating.  We scheduled an appointment  and continued to pray that we would be blessed with a precious baby. Not long after scheduling our appointment I realized that my period was a couple days late but didn't think too much of it because I am normally a couple days off schedule.  On Thursday April 11th I rushed home from school to board a plane to Lubbock.  I figured I'd quickly use that magical stick, see not pregnant, then be on a plane to west Texas. Seconds after taking the test I noticed a faint SECOND pink line! I stepped away from the bathroom not wanting to get my hopes up and tried to wait the full three minutes.  Not being able to wait the eternal 3 minutes I returned to the bathroom about 30 seconds later to see there were indeed two pink lines! I immediately started crying and thanking God for this little miracle. I called Garrett right away and over continuous sobs told me to hurry home. He panicked thinking something was wrong but all I could to was tell him to hurry home. I threw the pregnancy test in a gift bag and waited his arrival. (This was not at all the cute creative way I had planned in my head, but there was no way I could keep from him for an entire weekend!) As soon as he got home he questioned what was wrong and I tried to convince him that I hadn't been crying and just to open the bag I shoved in his face. His jaw immediately dropped upon opening the bag "Really" he asked, it was all I could do to shake my head before the waterworks began again.  We hugged and cried together for as long as we could before I was late for my flight. Then Garrett made me love him even more by, taking my hand, closing his eyes, and thanking God for this beautiful blessing and praying for it's health.

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